Gratisversand ab 956,50 EUR

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Wholesale prices

How often are the wholesale prices updated in foreign currencies?

The prices are continuously updated along with developments on the foreign exchange market. Our system performs the currency conversions. These changes arising from the differences in the average bank exchange rate.

How can I book the price of products?

Placing an order occurs when you click the order button with an obligation to pay. Placing an order means making a reservation for the products. You can reserve products for a maximum of 10 days. After this period unpaid orders (bookings) will be removed, but prior to that we will certainly contact you. To reserve products simply place your order by selecting the option to pay later.

Important! We recommend paying for the order once no other changes have to be made.

What is the silver price per gram in the product?

Prices of products are available only after logging in an account that has received full access to Sentiell Wholesale. The prices of the products in the wholesale are affected by many factors:

  • Price per unit – each product is assigned a unit price, per unit. The product valuation depends not only on the weight calculated per gram, but also on the techniques used, adaptation to the latest trends, labor costs and time spent on the production of jewellery and its preparation for sale.
  • The exchange rates – the exchange rate changes daily and also affects the displayed product price. For that reason, the current prices may differ from the prices from the previous day. This is based on the fact that our wholesale system automatically adjusts the price of the product, relative to the current exchange rate. Therefore, once an order has been placed and accepted, the particular product price will be maintained for this order.
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