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Interactive Product Catalogue
Interactive Product Catalogue
Our website provides an Interactive Product Catalogue which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It was created using a responsive template, hence it is ideal for displaying the wholesale offer on mobile devices. So you can place orders independently of time and place, and we give you a guarantee of their processing within 24 hours!
Interactive Product Catalogue
In the catalogue, you will find high-quality pictures of over 4000 products taken by a professional photographer. The look of the catalogue, as well as its contents, can be tailored to meet your expectations.
Tools for clients
We give you a number of system tools at your disposal, including filters and the option to set the view of the product catalogue. The use of filters makes it easy to search through the products catalogue and saves time when you place orders. As a result, you see only those products you are interested in. Learn how to use filters.
Changing the view settings of the Interactive Product Catalogue allows you to customise the visual aspect of the web page to suit individual preferences: the product grid or list. We recommend setting the grid of products while browsing the catalogue, and the list is recommended to be used when it comes to placing orders, which will significantly speed up the whole process.